Step 1: Exam dates and Fees
As an authorised Cambridge English Exam centre, BLTC offers a range of Cambridge exams in Amsterdam and the Netherlands. Decide which date and type of exam to take (computer-based or paper-based). Here is a full overview of exam dates and fees.
Step 2: Application form
Step 3: Payment
After sending your application form, please pay for your exam. You are only registered for an exam date once we’ve received your payment. The payment must be received before the registration deadline or late entry fees will be incurred. Once we’ve received your payment, we will send you a confirmation. You can either pay via bank transfer or come to BLTC and pay via pin/cash.
A. Bank transfer to:
British Language Training Centre, ABN AMRO
BIC: ABNANL2A – for international payments only
IBAN: NL46ABNA0547679386
Important! Please state: ‘[Cambridge exam] name, test date & telephone number’
B. PIN or Cashat BLTC
To pay at BLTC please visit us during office hours:
Monday to Thursday 09:00 – 17.30
Friday 09:00 – 16.30
Please note
-all bank charges are the responsibility of the applicant
-it is not possible to issue invoices for payments
-BLTC does not accept credit cards.
Step 4: Confirmation of Entry
For a computer-based exam, you will be sent a Confirmation of Entry one week in advance of the exam date. For a paper-based exam, you will be sent a Confirmation of Entry no later than two weeks in advance of the exam date. You must bring confirmation of entry document with you on the test date, along with your passport or ID card.
Exam-day tips – Computer-based test
Exam day tips – Paper-based test